Got Questions? We have answers!

  • Our practice stands apart from traditional medicine in several exciting and meaningful ways. Unlike conventional approaches that often focus on treating symptoms, we prioritize a holistic view of health.

    We take the time to nurture a deeper understanding of each individual's unique needs, utilizing advanced testing methods and biomarker analysis to create a tailored health blueprint.

    This personalized strategy allows us to optimize areas such as hormone balance, gut health, and overall wellness, ensuring you not only live longer but also enjoy a vibrant and fulfilling quality of life.

  • Achieving optimal health requires commitment. Our programs are offered on either annual or monthly payment plans, the latter of which has a 6-month commitment period.

    This accounts for the time it takes to complete your DNA testing and bloodwork, review results, meet with your providers and coaching sessions, implement interventions, and allow time for impact to occur.

    Our team is fully committed to supporting you throughout your health journey and, in becoming a Precision 360 Wellness patient, ask that you commit to yourself to reap the full benefits of our care.

  • In our precision and personalized medicine practice, we prioritize optimizing health through tailored lifestyle interventions. Each personalized health plan is meticulously crafted to address the individual's unique needs, genetic makeup, lifestyle factors, health history, and specific health concerns.

    These plans encompass various key components, including comprehensive health assessments, genetic analysis for identifying predispositions and treatment responses, lifestyle modifications, nutritional guidance, personalized supplement recommendations, medication recommendations and management, disease prevention strategies, and regular monitoring and follow-up. Wearable data, such as continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) or other wearables, may also be integrated for analysis and testing.

    Through personalized health plans, patients are empowered to actively participate in their health journey, receiving customized support to achieve their health goals and enhance their overall quality of life.

  • Yes, we can prescribe medications. Although, once we address the foundational health concerns, medications are not always necessary. If they are, we can prescribe many regular medications to support your health. These medication can include hormones, injectable weight loss GLP-1, and other peptides.

  • Absolutely. Schedule a free clarity call with a team member today. Schedule a call here

  • Nutrigenomic testing involves analyzing your DNA to understand how your genes influence your body's response to different nutrients. By examining specific genetic markers, we can create a personalized nutrition plan tailored to your unique genetic profile.

    This targeted approach helps improve your overall health, manage weight, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and promote a longer, healthier life.

  • At Precision 360 Wellness, we prioritize patient privacy and confidentiality. We do not share genetic data without explicit consent from the patient. Your genetic information is kept strictly confidential and used only to optimize your healthcare and treatment plan. We ONLY share information with whomever the patient tells us. If an insurance company requests medical records, we contact the patient to authorize the release. In 2008, Congress passed the Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act (GINA) to prevent the unauthorized release of information. You can read more about this by clicking here.

  • At Precision 360 Wellness, we have partnered with Fullscript to ensure that our patients have access to high-quality supplements carefully curated to support their individual health needs. Fullscript is a trusted platform that offers a wide range of professional-grade supplements from reputable brands, allowing us to confidently recommend products that meet our strict quality standards.

    The cost of medications is not include in our programs but can be added on at discounted prices based on your unique needs.

  • Getting started with precision medicine at Precision 360 Wellness is easy! We ask all of our clients to complete a new patient consultation with one of our providers. During your initial consultation, we'll thoroughly assess your health history, lifestyle factors, and develop a personalized health plan tailored to your needs. This will include recommendations for your initial lab panel. Whether you're seeking preventive care, treatment for a chronic condition, or optimization of your overall health, the Precision 360 wellness team is here to support you on your journey to wellness.

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  • No, we do not accept insurance.

    In order to provide the highest quality care without restrictions from insurance, we are do not accept insurance. .

    We can attempt to use your in-network insurance for lab testing.